Listerine Mouthwash Fresh Burst 500ml

Listerine Mouthwash Fresh Burst 500ml

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Brushing your teeth only reaches 25% of your mouth leaving plaque bacteria in the hard to reach places in your mouth.Using a mouthwash like LISTERINE® Freshburst® after brushing and flossing is pr...
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Availability: Sold out
SKU: 44964
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Brushing your teeth only reaches 25% of your mouth leaving plaque bacteria in the hard to reach places in your mouth.
Using a mouthwash like LISTERINE® Freshburst® after brushing and flossing is proven to:

  • Kill germs
    Kills germs left behind after brushing and flossing.
  • Reduce plaque
    Reduces plaque more than brushing alone.
  • Keep your breath fresh
    Provides long lasting fresh breath.
  • Gum protection
    Maintains healthy gums

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